Evergreen aviation and Space Museum

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Evergreen aviation and Space Museum, McMinnville, OR

Over the years I've driven by thinking it was just another tourist trap. I'm glad when my brother who was visiting asked about it and wanted to visit. It's biggest claim to fame is that it houses Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose. The Goose is so big that you can hardly capture it and do it justice.

Here are a few of my pics.
The wing is so big it reminds me of a mother goose protecting her goslings.

Inside the Goose.

A Ford Tri-Motor.

Baggage is stored in the wing. Don't forget to pack some legroom :)

and you're ready to go.

There is cool stuff at the space museum too. I never appreciated all the systems that make up a jet engine -- here is what I could see.

You can let your imagination go wild.

There is something there for everybody.
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Quite an impressive museum, and even more so when you consider the rather small town location it's in.

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, the museum is located in McMinnville, Oregon
Evergreen aviation and Space Museum, McMinnville, OR

Thanks Bob, I omitted that detail. I'll update the subject heading.
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