Rex the snow dog a friendly and growing community of photographers with an interest in the Pacific Northwest region. We feature a Photography Discussion Forum and Pacific Northwest Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other photographers, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more!


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My 5 month old German Shepherd puppy loves snow more than anything else(well, besides food) in the world. We finally got a few inches for the first time since thanksgiving this week. He would have spent all day out there if I let him. Unfortunately for him, I got cold and made him come back insuide after an hour or so.
There wasn't much light since it was snowing so hard so these are all at 3200 ISO on a 1DMKIV with a Sigma 50-500mm OS wide open(f/6.3) betwen 300-500mm with shutter speeds at or below 1/250 all handheld.

Thanks everyone. Looks like he will get his wish for more snow again in a few days. At least HE will enjoy it!

I got him in Ridgefield. Not sure if they are going to have another litter or not. I should be hearing from them next week some time though and I will ask.

I'm not looking for a dog right now but I would like to know in case one day I might.
I will let you know once I talk to Rex's breeder to see if they are going to be having any future litters. Here is the link to another breeder that I can highly recommend. They only have 2 litters a year and their "pet or companion" pricing is usually $500-$800.

Nice shots of the pup. The action shots all look like he's having fun, but that first one sure seems to capture his character.
Thanks Christena and Tony. It was snowing so hard when he was running around that I was having a hard time keeping the focus on him. That and the slow shutter speeds resulted in less sharpness than I would like but it looks like I'll get another chance later this week!

Another round of snow and Rex was having a blast. Kona wasn't quite as enthusiastic and wanted to come back in long before Rex did.
We ended up with about 8 inches yesterday. Most of it is still on the ground today and frozen solid! 20 degrees and windy here this morning.

All of these were shot with the Canon 400mm f/4 IS DO lens. Aperture priority, f/4 and f/5.6, ISO3200 on the 1DMKIV.
Thanks Nina. We just got back in from more playing in the snow. Clear but really damn cold out there today. The dogs don't seem to be effected by the windchill like I am.
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