Bend in The River a friendly and growing community of photographers with an interest in the Pacific Northwest region. We feature a Photography Discussion Forum and Pacific Northwest Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other photographers, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more!


New Member
This looks like it could be a winter shot but I took it last May when I was camping on the ranch where I grew up. It rained on us every day which isn't fun for camping but I did get some interesting bad weather shots. This was just after the sun set and while there was still some color in the sky and again in the water. I kept the moody feel that was there in real life. I love this location as I have camped and fished there (when fishing was allowed) for many years.


now where is my fly rod?

I can identify with that. When DFG closed fishing on the ranch I quit fishing and just take pictures. Fishing was something to did while I enjoyed being somewhere beautiful, now photography fills that cup. Photography does for me what fishing used to do. It's part art and part science and you are always after the big one.

Still.....when I see that "blip" at the surface of the water something stirs in me.

I hear ya, but I will NEVER give up my boat time with a fishing pole in one hand and a nontoxic drink in the other hand, I drink 3 or 4 times a year but NEVER mix boating and drinking boose, I love my lake time on boats too much to screw that up. Its Ice Tea, Coke, what have you...:)

On a lake fishin', camera handy, dont get much better than that!
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