Maintenance Deferred a friendly and growing community of photographers with an interest in the Pacific Northwest region. We feature a Photography Discussion Forum and Pacific Northwest Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other photographers, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more!


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I haven't posted in a while so here's a couple shots from far northern California where we identify with the Pacific Northwest. I took the shots a couple years ago when shooting some property for an organization, but recently re-discovered them and worked them up. The term "maintenance deferred" is how the realtor described our family ranch when I sold it a few years ago. Our ranch borders this place. Except for one barn (where I used to milk cows as a kid) the maintenance wasn't as deferred on our place as much as you see here. These are not great shots but have a certain interest because when we see in old abandoned buildings our imagination tries to fill in the unknown history.


First an abandoned house which is so small it was probably a bunk-house on the ranch


Next...and abandoned barn

These are totally cool, I love a broken down barn! On the first shot I think the colors are interesting on the barn but almost look over saturated??? Did you bump up the color or did it really look like that??
Hi Heather...thank you. I did push the saturation a bit but mostly the vibrance. It is probably at the edge if not over the over-saturation line but I pushed it to where it looked interesting to me. There's no account for my taste stometimes. The light green moss or whatever is growing on the wood, especially along the base of the front wall was quite colorful. The shot was taken in April as I recall so with a lot of recent rain the rust and green colored lichens (or moss or whatever) was quite colorful.

Good explanation you've given, (certain interest because when we see in old abandoned buildings our imagination tries to fill in the unknown history). I am always intrigued by ruins of any kind.

Nice shots.
I love old structures like this. I wonder of all the stories they could tell if they could talk. Great shots.
Ditto everyone else who loves old buildings and old barn shots. It is always fun to see someone's vision of them. I like the colors. A nice twist from the usual B&W and Sepia that are often used on old buildings.
Tilt right - tilt left!

You've got my head leaning to the right, then leaning to the left. Actually it's helping to work out a kink in my neck. :) Thanks for the help, and the fine shots. ;)
LOL@Mike! You could fire your chiropractor then with a single visit to Bodie, California! :D
LOL@Mike! You could fire your chiropractor then with a single visit to Bodie, California! :D

Bodie is a great place, my good camera died there and all I had was my jeepin camera from my glove box. still got a few good shots:D
Thanks for the kind words all. I confess that I felt like a coyote in a hen house when I came upon these buildings...I only had time for some quick shots then on to the things I was supposed to shoot.

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