Mrs. Red-Tail... a friendly and growing community of photographers with an interest in the Pacific Northwest region. We feature a Photography Discussion Forum and Pacific Northwest Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other photographers, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more!

Those are beautiful. Hey, what's all that blue stuff behind her?

Fantastic shots Mark!
Janice, I was wondering about that "blue stuff" too??? We've still been getting snow flurries all week and have yet to hit 60 degrees this year, in the Spokane area. The record for the latest date to reach 60 degrees is April 22, set in I believe 1917. We will definitely set a new record this year, unfortunately. We have a possibility on Saturday (4-23) with a forecast of 58-59, but if we don't get it then, it looks like at least a couple more weeks. We may CRUSH the record!! :( LOL.. not one you really want. Another sad fact is that we have had one day (Nov. 6) of 60 degrees since Oct. 21. Wow.. I'm more stir crazy than I thought...
WW. we beat some records too in Portland, but not any quite as bad as yours. Although you may have had a touch more sun, not certain though. We may have it on the number of cloudy days. Whoopie.
Yeah, got pretty lucky with the weather the whole weekend… Left Tacoma Friday night after shooting the Buddy Guy show and drove all night to Riggins Idaho. Rained hard ‘til about Cle Elum, then dried up and we didn’t see much rain for the rest of the trip. Shot the Whitewater Jetboat race in Riggins, and though a wet weekend had been predicted, it didn’t rain on us once. Sun even peeked out from time-to-time. Rained hard Saturday night, but stayed dry inside the hotel… Took the scenic route, Hwy. 26, to Portland and enjoyed beautiful sunshine the whole way. The mother hawk was guarding her aerie high in a tree right beside the highway, just outside of Prineville. She was a very unwilling participant in the photo-session, screaming at me the whole time. Why do the beautiful ones always have an attitude…?!/media/set/fbx/?set=a.1851018966993.2099218.1586311123!/media/set/fbx/?set=a.1850906764188.2099215.1586311123
Wow.. the photos of Buddy and the boats were great also. It sounds like you had quite the eventful (literally) weekend. I love shooting concerts although they are super challenging at times. And, being creative enough to get access can, at times, be the biggest challenge.
Those boat races look like a blast! The water looks pretty rough, those guys must really take a pounding. I'm really looking forward to the Sprint boat season to start, I love shooting them.
I've got a pair of Red-tails nesting in a tree behind my barn. You've given me inspiration to try for some shots. Although it's going to be a little more of a challenge for me with my 80-200 2.8 AF-S, but I'll throw on the 1.6 teleconverter and hope for the best.
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