Twick- Twelve for 2009 a friendly and growing community of photographers with an interest in the Pacific Northwest region. We feature a Photography Discussion Forum and Pacific Northwest Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other photographers, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more!


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Sometimes some of the best shots are not my favorites. The shot may be at a time when I least expected to get something that evoked an emotion or memory every time I looked at them..

11. Where's the Ball - A couple of "athletic jailers" playing in the Pitching for a Cure Tournament at Sprinker Field.

12. Young Couple - Spoke to them earlier and took a few shots from the front. I had some time before work so I walked around Wright park awhile and took this as a came back down a path towards them. A cold, breezy fall day.
Don't know what happened. Seems I can only post up to six pictures on a thread. Thus we only can view the last two of twelve.
Twick- First Five for 2009

I had attachement problems once I had more than six pictures on the thread "Twick - Twelve for 2009". I'll post 5 each on two more post.
Thanks for looking and if anyone has any idea why there was an attachement issue suggestions would be welcome.

1. Ashford Mansion - Coming back from Rainier I took a side road just to see what was down it. I came around a corner and there was this wonderful old home. Completely unexpected.

2. West Haven at Westport - Although it looks cloudy and gray this gentleman was trying to get a shot to the southwest of the ocean shimmering from the bright sunlight. It felt as if he were following me, he showed up everywhere I went.

3. Fort Lewis - Left the PX in a driving wind and rain storm. Head down, just trying to get to the car. As I was backing out I caught a glimpse of a rainbow in the mirror. Found a spot out of the way and caught a shot of a double rainbow.

4. Owens Beach - Just some people enjoying the last of a great early spring day. I was watching some kids playing on the logs and looked to the left and saw this scene.

5. Frost Delay - About 21 degrees F, sitting in the car watching an unspectacular sunrise over Rainier. Grabbed the camera and started walking around the Home Course parking area taking some shots.

6. Rainier Paradise - Came out of the trees going up High Rock road and finally got a view of the mountain. I didn't realize that I also had a view of Paradise till I uploaded at home.
Twick- Second Five for 2009

A bit out of order but I got twelve in.

6. Rainier Paradise - Came out of the trees going up High Rock road and finally got a view of the mountain. I didn't realize that I also had a view of Paradise till I uploaded at home.

7. Red Skies in the Morning - I was on my way out to Area 14 on Ft Lewis to try and get some sunrise shots. Running late so I pulled over near Lacamas Valley Farms and enjoyed the view.

8. Splash - One of those "Big Red Trucks" responding to a call. I heard the siren and saw the lights behind me as I was headed towards Orting to check out the floods.

9. USA Chevrolet - Just love the old blue truck!

10. Squall Line - At West Haven, same location as #2. We got back to the car about two minutes before it let loose.
Glad to see you got the attachment thing fixed. I've gathered them all up into one thread, so it will be easier for folks to find them. They're a bit out of order from how you originally intended to post them, but they still look good.
I'm glad I can see them all now. You have a nice mix of subjects very well captured.
A nice assortment showing varied interests. My faves are the people shots, especially the one "Where's the Ball?".

I still would like to know if the files changed dur to me or something else. I'll try another day with some other shots to see what happens.
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